Head of the laboratory: Iskakov Zharylkasyn Isaakovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Research interests: Resonant vibrations of unbalanced rotary machines with nonlinear characteristics; Nonlinear vibrations of mechanical systems with an imperfect energy source
Contacts: e-mail: iskakov53@mail.ru
Total number of employees: 5 people
Research areas of the laboratory: Fundamental research in the field of mechanics
Grants and projects:
- 0501/GF, no.GR 0112RK00624 “Development of methods of analysis and dynamic synthesis of vibration mechanisms and machines, technologies for their design taking into account nonlinear dynamic effects when taking into account friction and gaps in kinematic pairs”
- 2263/GF4B No.GR 0115RK00296 “Development of methods for studying steady-state rotor oscillations with mass imbalance and disc skew”
- AP08856763, No. GR 0120RK00217 “Development of methods for studying the dynamics of gyroscopic rotary machines with nonlinear characteristics of elastic supports and design technology”.
List of publications and monographs, patents
[1] Zh. Iskakov, Resonant Oscillations of a Vertical Unbalanced Gyroscopic Rotor with Nonlinear Characteristics, in: Proceedings of the 14th IFToMM World Congress 3 (2015) 505 – 513. https://doi.org/10.6567/iftomm.14th.wc.os14.001 (Web of Science, Scopus – Elsevier: Citation Indexes 2).
[2] K. Bissembayev, Zh. Iskakov, Oscillations of the orthogonal mechanism with a non-ideal source of energy in the presence of a load on the operating link, Mech. MT (Web of Science Core Collection: IF 2014: 1.052, CiteScore 2.55, the highest percentile of 89%) 92 (2015) 53-170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2015.05.011.
[3] Zh. Iskakov, Dynamics of a Vertical Unbalanced Gyroscopic Rotor with Nonlinear Characteristics, in: B. Corves et al. (Eds.), New advances in Mechanisms, Mechanical Transmissions and Robotics, Mechanisms and Machine Science (Scopus: IF 0.37, SJR 0.182, 2019: CiteScore: 0.8, 3rd quartile, highest percentile 25%) 46 (2016) 107-114. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45450-4_11 .
[4] Zh. Iskakov, N. Jamalov, Engineering Kinematics of Dairy and Fermented milk Products Plant, Applied Mechanics and Materials 863 (2017) 149-156. https://www.scientific.net/AMM.863.149.
[5] Zh. Iskakov, K. Bissembayev, N. Jamalov, Dynamics of Orthogonal Mechanism of Vibrating Table in View of Friction, in: M. Dedi, M. Itik, E.C. Lovasz, G. Kiper (Eds.), Mechanisms, Transmissions and Applications IFToMM 2017, Mechanisms and Machine Science (Scopus: IF 0.48, SJR 0.186, 2019: CiteScore: 0.8, 3rd quartile, highest percentile 25% ) 52 (2018) 261 – 268. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-60702-3_27 .
[6] Iskakov Zh., Ashirbayev M. Resonant Oscillations of Non-Symmetrical Rotor with Mass Imbalance and Disk Skew // Applied Mechanics and Materials. – Vol. 863 – P. 157-162. – Switzerland: 2017 Trans Tech Publications, Online: 2017-02-24. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.863.157, https://www.scientific.net/AMM.863.157
[7] Zh. Iskakov, K. Bissembayev, N. Jamalov, The nonlinear vibrations of orthogonal mechanism of vibrating table in view of friction, Mech. Sci. (Web of Science Core Collection -Clarivate Analytics: IF 1.052, Q 2, CiteScore 1.92, Highest percentile 71%). 9 (2018) 307-325. https://doi.org/10.5194/ms-9-307-2018 .
[8] Zh. Iskakov, Resonant Oscillations of a Vertical Hard Gyroscopic Rotor with Linear and Nonlinear Damping, Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science, Mechanisms and Machine Science (Scopus: Impact Factor 0.89, CiteScore: 0.8, 3rd quartile, highest percentile 25%) 73 (2019) 3353-3361. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20131-9_331 .
[9] Zh. Iskakov, Bissembayev K., The nonlinear vibrations of a vertical hard gyroscopic rotor with nonlinear characteristics, Mech. Sci. (Web of Science Core Collection-Clarivate Analytics: IF 1.052, Q 2, CiteScore 1.92, Highest percentile 71%) 10 (2019) 529-544. https://doi.org/10.5194/ms-10-529-2019
[10] Z. Iskakov, K. Bissembayev, N. Jamalov, Unsteady Resonant Oscillations of a Gyroscopic Rigid Rotor with Non-linear Damping and Non-linear Rigidity of the Elastic Support, J. Beran et al. (Eds.): TMM 2020, Mechanism and Machine Science, 2022, 85, 83–93. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-83594-1_9 . (Published 2022) – Scopus (Impact Factor 0.89, CiteScore: 0.9, SJR 2020 0.159, 4th quartile, highest percentile 23%, https://www.springer.com/series/8779)
[11] Iskagov Zh., Bisembaev K., Jamalov N., Unsteady Resonant Vibrations Of A Gyroscopic Rigid Rotor with Nonlinear Damping and Nonlinear Stiffness of An Elastic Support, Collection of reports of the Second International Dzholdasbekov Symposium “Mechanics of the Future”, 106-116, 2021.
[12] Iskakov Zh., Bisembayev K., Tuleshov A.K., Temirbekov E., Vibrating table with a limited energy source-a hydraulic turbine with bucket-shaped blades, Patent for the invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan (19) KZ (13) B (11) 33527 (51) B28B 1/08 (2006.01) B07B 1/44 (2006.01) 03/15/2019, byul. No. 11.
[13] J. Iskakov, M. Kunelbaev, Device for making kumis, Patent for invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan (13) KZ B (11) 32666, Byul. 13 (04/02/2018) 47-48. https://kazpatent.kz/images/bulleten/2018/gazette/pdf/2-201813.pdf https://kazpatent.kz/images/bulleten/2018/gazette/ru201813/html/b0019300.htm.
[14] Patent for the invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan (19) KZ B (11) 32666. Centrifuge based on a gyroscopic rotor / Iskakov Zh., Kunelbaev M.; publ. 02/19/2018, Bul. No. 7. – pp. 42-43: ill. https://kazpatent.kz/images/bulleten/2018/gazette/ru201807/html/b0014824.htm https://kazpatent.kz/images/bulleten/2018/gazette/pdf/2-201807.pdf
Material and technical base/infrastructure for the provision of services:
Experimental installation of a centrifuge based on a gyroscopic rotor
The main works of the scientist are shown below in the drawings