Head of the laboratory:
Jamalov Nutpulla Kamalovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Research interests: Mechanical engineering, robotics
Contacts: e-mail: nutpulla@mail.ru , j.nutpulla@gmail.com
Total number of employees: 3 people
Research areas of the laboratory: Mathematical and simulation modeling of kinematics and dynamics of mechanical and control systems
Grants and projects:
- The project of program-targeted financing “Development and implementation of medical robots and intelligent systems in Kazakhstan to improve the system of diagnosis and treatment of patients in a pandemic”, 2020-2021.
- Grant financing project “Development of methods for studying the dynamics of gyroscopic rotary machines with nonlinear characteristics of elastic supports and design technology” for 2020-2022.
- Grant financing project “Development of methods and technologies for designing power press machines based on new crank executive bodies” for 2018-2020.
- Grant financing project “”Development of mathematical models of elastic structures on kinematic shock absorbers with rolling supports bounded by high-order surfaces in the presence of rolling friction on relaxing soils” for 2018-2020.
- Commercialization project “Creation of pilot production and technology for the development of mobile robots with a lift for automation of loading and unloading and transport operations” 2017-2019.
- Grant financing project “Development of a method for studying steady-state rotor oscillations with mass imbalance and disc skew” 2015-2017
List of publications and monographs, patents
- Tuleshov A.K., Drakunov Yu.M., Dzhomartov A.A., Seydakhmet A.S., Jamalov N.K., Tuleshov E.A., Kuatova M.J. Crank lever presses based on the Stephenson mechanism. Monograph. –Almaty, 2020. 240 p.
- Tuleshov A. K., Jomartov A. A., Ibrayev S., Jamalov N. K., Halicioglu R. Optimal synthesis of planar links/ News of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. Volume 1, Number 439 (2020), pp. 172-180
- Jomartov, A., Tuleshov, A., Jamalov, N., Kuatova, K., Kaimov, A. Designing of the Stephenson II six-link linkage actuator for servo mechanical press. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) Vol.10, No. 2), 30.05.2020, pp. 601-6012
- IbrayevS., JomartovA., TuleshovA., JamalovN., Ibrayev A., Mukhambetkalieva G.,Aidasheva G., Kamal A. Synthesis of Four-Bar Linkage with Adjustable Crank Length for Multi-Path Generation. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research Vol. 9, No. 4, April 2020, pp.489-495
- Jomartov Assylbek, Tuleshov Amandyk, Jamalov Nutpulla, Seydakhmet Askar, Ibrayev Sayat, Kuatova Moldyr, Kaimov Ablay, Temirbekov Yerbol, Bostanov Bayandy. Dynamic Model of Servo Mechanical Press. ROMANSY 23 – Robot Design, Dynamics and Control. Proceedings of the 23rd CISM IFToMM Symposium, Springer, Cham, 20.09.2020. pp 170-178.
- Ibrayev Sayat, Jamalov Nutpulla, Tuleshov Amandyk, Jomartov Assylbek, Ibrayev Aidos, Kamal Aziz, Ibrayeva Arman, Bissembayev Kuatbay. Walking Robot Leg Design Based on Translatory Straight-Line Generator. ROMANSY 23 – Robot Design, Dynamics and Control. Proceedings of the 23rd CISM IFToMM Symposium, Springer, Cham, 20.09.2020. pp 264-271.
- Iskakov Zh., Jamalov N., Bisembaev K. Unsteady resonant vibrations of a gyroscopic rigid rotor with nonlinear damping and nonlinear stiffness of an elastic support. Collection of reports of the Second International Dzholdasbekov Symposium “Mechanics of the Future”, March 1-5, 2021: Electronic. –Almaty, 2021. pp. 106-116.
- Jamalov N.K., Ibraev S. M., Tolebaev N. S., Abdraimov A.E., Kamal A.N. Kinematic analysis of five-link mechanisms, manipulators with a closed kinematic chain. Collection of reports of the Second International Dzholdasbekov Symposium “Mechanics of the Future”, March 1-5, 2021: Electronic. –Almaty, 2021. pp.117-124.
- Tuleshov A.K., Seidakhmet A.Zh., Jamalov N.K., Temirbekov E.S., Abdraimov E.S., Abduraimov A.E., Gritsenko I.S. Mobile robots with an IMMASH lift named after U.A. Dzholdasbekov. Collection of reports of the Second International Dzholdasbekov Symposium “Mechanics of the Future”, March 1-5, 2021: Electronic. –Almaty, 2021. Pp.125-130.
- Iskakov, Z., Jamalov, N., Bissembayev, K. Unsteady Resonant Oscillations of a Gyroscopic Rigid Rotor with Non-linear Damping and Non-linear Rigidity of the Elastic Support. Mechanisms and Machine Sciencethis link is disabled, 2022, 85, pp. 83-93
- Jamalov N.K., Kamal A.N. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 34309, Folding farm mechanism. publ. 05/06/2020, bul. No.18.
- Jamalov N.K., Kamal A.N. Folding farm mechanism. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.5454, publ. 16.10.2020, byul. No.41.
- Jamalov N.K., Tuleshov A.K., Ibraev S.M., Dzhomartov A.A., Bisembayev K., Kamal A.N. Lever mechanism of the press. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 34678, publ. 13.11.2020, bul. No. 45
- Jamalov N.K., Ibraev S.M., Kamal A.N. Lever hoist Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 34823, publ. 05.02.2021, bul. No.5.
- Jamalov N.K., Ibraev S.M., Kamal A.N. Device for installing objects in a vertical position Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 34824, publ. 02/05/2021, bul. No.5.
Types of services provided:
Synthesis and analysis of lever mechanisms, simulation of mechanical and control systems, design, manufacture, testing