Regular general meeting of the National Academy of Engineering
- April 2, 2024
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On March 1, 2024, the National Engineering Academy, which is the largest and most influential public scientific and engineering association in Kazakhstan, held a regular general meeting session. The Academy has concentrated significant scientific and technical potential of highly qualified scientists and specialists, heads of higher education institutions, research institutes, departments, enterprises of the state and non-state sectors of the country’s economy.
An outstanding state and public figure of the country, president of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician Bakhytzhan Tursynovich Zhumagulov made a keynote speech on the topic “On the future development of engineering activities in Kazakhstan”.
He mentioned the main tasks of the President of the country for the scientific community and the scientific-engineering corps, aimed at developing self-sufficiency, technology and diversification of the economy with a high level of added value of the product, increasing the level of training of scientific-engineering personnel.
The role of the National Academy of Engineering in solving these problems is very high.
For 33 years, the academy has provided comprehensive assistance in the development of innovative infrastructure and regulatory legal acts and continues its active work, coordinates and conducts important and promising applied scientific researches, scientific-technical and practical-design developments, aims to consolidate science with production, professional growth of the republic’s engineering personnel helps.
The NIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan promotes the improvement of higher engineering education and the creation of a single scientific and industrial cycle: conducting scientific research – developing new technologies, training highly competent engineering personnel – industrial development of science-based technologies and equipment, creating a corresponding technological infrastructure.
The Academy responds to the problems and tasks of the development of the country’s economy, for which the entire structure, including 13 regional branches of the Academy, 35 scientific-technical and engineering centers, 10 branch divisions, covering all the main directions of the economy, is mobilized.
The participants of the meeting were the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan S. N. Nurbek came out via video communication.
The meeting was also attended by the chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Komitet nauki MNVO RK /). J. Zhankuvatov took part in the main speech. Karabalin U.S., academician, Labor Man of Kazakhstan, academician Mamytbekov E.K., General Director of “KARLSKRONA” LLP U.B. Akhmetov, rector of KazNUT named after K.I.Satbayev M.M. Begentaev. , Academician O.A. Director of the Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering named after Zholdasbekov, Academician Z.G. Ualiyev, chairman of the “Machinery” department of the NIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician, member of the Presidium M.M. Moldabekov, vice-president of the NIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan R.A. Alshanov, vice-rector of D. Serikbaev State Technical University Zh.T. Konyrbaeva and many others will speak.
Speakers raised the issues of earthquake-resistant construction, the state of geology, engineering, heat supply, water conservation and water supply, engineering personnel training.
The speakers made sharp and clear recommendations.
As a result of the discussion of the main report, the Resolution was adopted, in which the main tasks of the academy for 2024 were defined. The main leitmotif of these tasks is scientific and scientific-technological support for the development of high-tech science-based industries, introduction of an effective system of training of scientific-technical and engineering personnel in demand in economic sectors and regions of the country. Attention was drawn to the fact that the contribution of applied research and scientific and technical programs is aimed at solving the scientific, technical and technological problems of the real economy of the country.
Since 2015, the NIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan has held the “Best Engineer of the Year” competition every year. The laureates of the “Best Engineer of 2023” title were named:
1) Suanbaev Yerkebulan Asanuly is eligible for re-use due to the creation of a recycling complex with the recovery of toxic waste, which allows for the recycling of glycol waste and obtaining secondary raw materials with a purity of more than 99.9%;
2) Kuldashev Kadyrzhan Amirzhanuly developed and implemented the Kazakhstan Public Reporting Code (KAZRC Code) on the results of geological exploration, mineral resources and mineral reserves.
3) Bekbosynov Zhomart Amirbekuly introduced innovative proposals to the facilities of JSC “Kentau Transformer Plant” and contributed to the development of the infrastructure of this holding;
4) Abdirakhmanov Nurzhan Bazarbayuly, who implemented the project of revitalization of non-working stock of Karazhanbas wells of JSC “Karajanbasmunay” and was responsible for the production of JSC “Uzenmunaygaz”, achieved the company’s highest oil production in the last 10 years of 5.579 million tons.
15 members of the Academy were awarded with high awards and titles for the best achievements and contributions to the development of science and technology, engineering work, introduction of the best technologies and developments into production, including Academician T. Academician Sabden Orazaly, an outstanding scientist-economist, state and public figure was awarded with Ashimbaev medal. academician Alshanov Rahman, outstanding scientist-economist, president of the Association of Higher Education Institutions of Kazakhstan, academician Sh. Academician Alyarov Birlesbek Kaniuly, outstanding energy scientist, academician O. Shokin with the Shokin medal. Seydakhmet A. with the medal named after Zholdasbekov. Zh., well-known scientist-mechanic, academician A. D. with a medal named after Kulenov. R. Baigereev, academician S. with the medal of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. J. Asanova, a well-known scientist-technologist, “HONORED ENGINEER OF KAZAKHSTAN” L. S. Bolotova and I.E. It was given to Suleimenov. Academicians Toleshov Amandyk Kuatuly, Mun Grigoriy Alekseevich and Baynatov Zhumabai Baynatovich received the big gold medal “Engineering Glory”, high award.